Sometimes the freedom and free gush of air that could be got while driving at crazy speeds on the highway all by yourself , is what's most needed for me to keep my life's boat afloat.
I love driving and in its own way is a kind of penance for me.
So as I got home from office,
I shrugged my identity card and laptop bag on the sofa, picked up my helmet and hit the roads.
I had no particular route in my mind and just drove by.
At first I wanted to drive on roads that I had less traveled.
In some half hour I realized that the pot-holed,muddy and dusty roads weren't my choice. They made my ride harder and more cumbersome.
I wanted to drive at a speed I would prefer & in a road that would suit my fuming anger inside. This anger is something that wouldn't get better by sitting idle or thoughtless.
So I chose the highway - which gives me a high without much effort and began driving with a heavy heart.
So as I drove and as the music from my earphones flared ,I realized my weight become lesser and I could feel the cool air gush pass me and make me feel better. So many random thoughts passed by and every thought seemed to fade away as my speedometer raced.
Thoughts of pain, suffering, happiness, elation and much more - all assuming a new meaning as I drove along.
Somewhere deep inside the thought of being free , far from the worldly troubles seemed to make more sense and at moments made me reflect on all that I had missed due to my mind being over crowded.
With the sole intent of only thinking to live that moment for my own self and to be selfish enough to let go of all random, trivial thoughts gave me , my freaky self .
At the end of my journey I chose the usual mucky muddy route just to see if I had the irritable me - like I was in the beginning
I neither had the trouble of unnecessary stressful thoughts nor the burden of everyday trivial affairs that ruin my otherwise peaceful self.
The highway or the muddy road were just roads - it's my desires and perceptions that made me choose the highway or the other road.
Likewise troubles or otherwise were reflections of my perception about them .
- from diaries of the highway rider
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