The Mandarin Ducks
"Idiot, How more dumb can you get, Useless brained , Foolish.. You shouldn't have forayed into unknown grounds..People rightly call you DUCK! " I felt miserable standing in front of the mirror and on purpose banged my head on it.

I truly felt ashamed as the deal was to have lunch with him if I lost the wager.
Now that I lost I knew the inevitable had to happen -to do whatever Bala demanded from me.
Bala is a friend for close to two decades but a guy whom I avoid for various reasons.
Its strange that we studied in the same school and also the same college. Just Imagine! I know him for so long but the very sight of him would make me take to my heels.
I had no dislike to him as a friend but its just that I dint much get along with his UBER cool gang.
Bala was like any other normal guy, above average in studies, excellent in sports and best known for his extra curricular activities.
I would talk to him now and then but never has our conversation lasted more than 5 minutes. At school my only concern was his attendance as I happened to be the class pupil leader and at college his marks .
The only incident I remember speaking to him was during our school annual day celebrations and college debate club where I always felt he was more panicky than ever.
I told Bala to make eye contact with people and not the floor while he gave his speeches and not to twitch his fingers after he reached his PANIC mode while on stage.
I often assumed that my suggestions would help people and till date I continue to do so.
After college I hardly heard of him and I was thankful in a way because I never much liked him. The plaintive reason was at school he always looked clumsy and lazy and at college he would wear the same dress for two days.
In short I dint much care for Bala. Despite all his drawbacks I knew he was a great guy with a large heart and many girls always eyed him with much awe.
So when the same guy rang me up and said "Dude your going to write me a story. That's the deal for the bet " I only frowned in dismay . I wondered why he chose me amongst the people he knew. I tried my best in convincing him and stated
"My writing is real mess. Don trust me , I don't think I can ever write a STORY!!!"
Bala calmly replied " Your on it and BTW we are gonna meet for lunch this Friday! We 'go Dutch at your office FOOD COURT . Its all fixed and done !Chow little girl -you will be my author :-)" and he slammed the call.
It was Friday and I was in terrible state myself that I could hardly think of anything and in a hopeless fear started off to the ground floor of my office where the food court was. I dint want to be rude to Bala but I was too sure I was not in good state to write something.

For some strange reason I was too happy to meet him, All my despair had now gone and I felt happy for he called my fluffy and NOT FAT.
I just greeted him formally and I was about to say I dint have much time to spare when he cordially asked me "What would you like to have ?" .
"I have bought my lunch already , get what you want and well we have time only for your story but I must admit - I'm no good a writer"
He brushed away my words and continued "I ll get you momos as they seem to catch your attention the most"
I was awestruck - Bala had only entered the place couple of minutes ago and how did he ever know of it ? . Before I could answer I found a hot plate of the soft dish on the table and I continued "Thank you so much I truly appreciate your chivalry and I hope you got what you wanted"
And please tell me your story . I don't have much time Bala"
There was deep silence as we continued to eat and it gave me loads of time to look at the stupendous changes that had come upon him .
He placed his Iphone away from food and also tucked his Coolers away at a safe distance .Bala was dressed in branded stuff from top to toe.
From the rugged , clumsy Bala I saw a different man now -the very demeanour in him had changed . The lazy moronic attitude now had been replaced with a more poised outlook and I wondered what had happened to him in the two years after graduation.
He started his story " Like everyone of us with high dreams and aspirations I joined the my FIRST company .The very first day , there was only introduction and certain managerial stuff done. I had plenty of time to look around when I spotted her. It took me only three days to realise I was head over heels in love with her. I truly was smitten for the first time in my life.
A woman whose very name gave me butterflies and fireflies alike . I have met loads of women and interacted with many but feelings for her were special."
I interrupted hesitantly "So your gonna tell me a love story ?" He nodded and in utter shock I scowled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . I'm hopeless in writing such stuff ..Never will it happen. Please forgive me I think I better run!!!"
Bala calmly said " I know you don't respect me much , You may never even understand the feelings I express but your honest in your work . I trust that honesty! And spare me a post from your blog. It can do no harm"
I gulped down my food in sheer dismay as Bala continued " There is this special feeling Mahi and it can happen only once in a man's life. I felt very special , I felt that I was born for her, I did everything possible to attract her attention- I used to wait upon her too"
The world seemed so blessed and happy whenever she was around. I wanted to make her mine and it would be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was just three days old in the IT industry and I ran to my beloved Ria and said " I love you, Will you be mine always ?".
I blurted "Just three days !You must be kidding me man! "
Bala "Yes three days were more than enough for me Mahi. It was definitely not infatuation as she dismissed me THEN but genuine true feelings for her."
It took seven weeks before she too realised that the air was indeed more lovely when both of us were together. It was so crazy and magical . The very presence of her made me happy . We did everything like a young couple in love-movies , restaurants,beaches & late night calls.
We enjoyed each others company the most.
There existed an unknown strange happiness that was delectable, tangible and most romantic. She understood me perfectly and I matched her man of dreams."
I used to pick her up for work everyday morning and the ride by the beach road which was the most perfect start of the day. I would ride more cautiously as my fiery sports bike now carried a gentle angel!
Those were the best moments I have known in my life. There was happiness, smile and warmth of a woman that I had enjoyed never before and I may never after too.
Almost every single evening our dinner was by the beach as we always finished work early and pushed off to the beach. It was more like a page from a romantic novel.
Holding her hands and walking a mile never seemed enough and talking and texting to her all night never seemed boring ! Love drives you crazy and that is what it exactly did to me.
I promised to marry her at the very church we used to pass by everyday. The most special feeling to be perfectly understood by her and to be appreciative for understanding her was the very basis of our relationship.
It was the most beautiful part of my life.
I once again interrupted "you mean to say you guys never fought? A gal never fought with you ??Its next to impossible ! "
There were silly fights but we usually made up with the other in a jiffy . We never truly fought for more than a day! Neither of us could stand the other at rage!
I only quipped "Nice! "

I enjoyed every meal , coffee and dinner that I had with her. There was nothing special about the food or ambience but special because she was with me.We shared a chemistry that is inexplicable I feel.

She made my days lighter and her smile gave me the energy to better at every downfall."
Bala paused for long and I dint know how to urge him to continue.
He choked with sadness and said "And today, the hardest days I have spent in my life were the ones trying to move on with the thought she is no longer mine! She is no more with me . I dint or well it never....My life is hell now and I'm just trying to forget every bad memory"
I stopped Bala at this moment and said " I have known you for close to 2 decades and such tremendous change can never have happened if not for her. Never ever call her memories BAD. They are there to cherish "
Bala gathered himself together and said " I don't deny the best thing that is ever happened in my life is Ria and her memories will make me surge ahead of anything and anyone! My love for her was true and it would exist till I die! ...Love is the craziest feeling that one can deal with "
Bala finshed his lunch and left without much ado but I sat there long after he left with tears in my eyes as his last words kept ringing in my ears "Its not the food/gift/song/dress or place that is special but its the person who made it special for you :-)"
PS: The first image of ducks are those of Mandarin ducks- symbol of eternal love as they find a mate for life.Their story inspired me to write this post. To read more
but what happened? why did they break up? cant believe that such perfect couples can break up like this
ReplyDeleteI truly don't know the reason for their break up nor did I want to hurt by asking more..
DeleteLove is more thrilling to experience than to read , Sad story.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the picture , i thought you were writing about momos stuffed with duck , I was so wrong :(. You made me hungry :).
Vidya :))
ReplyDeleteOMG .. MYTHRI.. it was soo beautifull.. The way u depicted the story and the writing skill of yours was very nice :)) I guess this is real story which had happend.. N if it is so.. I wish the Good Luck for both the Guy and the Girl. ( Bala and Ria )
But u never mentioned what happend to them. Mega serial mari mudichtiye....
Anywes Great work.. Well Done :))
thank you sooo much de :) Both are leading lives seperately.. Am so glad u enjoyed so much :)
DeleteAnd Yeah every person has her/his own Love in thier life.. Love is such a bliss and its all pure understanding and handling things :)) How much ever bliss it is , there is also equal amount of pain in it :)) Love is immortal :))
ReplyDeletehmmm :) :) true dear :)
DeleteVery nice writing skill... The way the language used is awesome. Great work.
ReplyDeleteThank you Suresh
DeleteHey mytri...The poem of love was awesom....had a long wait to get into ur ocean of beautiful words which made the story a more powerful than real one i guess...
ReplyDeleteHATS OFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!