Saturday, October 1, 2011

I too had a Love Story by Ravinder Singh - My experience :)

In this modern era of technology and computers where everything happens in lightning speed, I had lost the real essence of LOVE.

I am an avid reader of crime and die-hard fan of the Great Dame .I had lost interest in 'love' which according to me was 'much ado about nothing'.I was suggested this book "I too had a love story" by Vidhya and thanks to her , she lent her copy for me to read it.

To start with , the book was too kiddish for someone who only wanted the lead characters to make out! It was not to be.So innocent a story that it made me feel like a young teenager .

To think of the protagonist in the industry which I'm part of makes the fear of unknown vanish. The two lead characters are so different. The incidents ,dialogues and thoughts running between two lovers is surreal.I had tears in my eyes due to its tragic end .Even after reading the book,I could feel myself in the author's shoes for quite sometime .

For someone who dint cry even at tragic ends in movies this book was a different experience .I loved reading the book for   the author's narration.

In NRN's own words, the story is "simple,honest and touching ".

The book has rekindled my innocent thoughts about romance and i believe love still lingers in the air. Its a book worth your time and reading .It would make you fall in love with life all over again.

The book has a fair share of soulful, scintillating moments .The dialogues between the lead characters are successful in rekindling romantic thoughts and goes to show the world still has couples who are not in a hurry  but take time to feel the tender emotion-LOVE.

Thank you Vidu :) 

I've started seeing the other side of the world too. The book instilled a positive thinking in me. I'm still the child who can wait to experience innocent LOVE .


  1. This book is awesome.... I really wished Khushi would ve survived :((( They wud be together forever.....!!!!!!! Heart touching story.. I could not take my eyes off this book unless i completed the entire book.. But, really did not wish for such a sorrowful climax;(((((

    1. Yes very true :) Even I could hardly survive the climax. I felt very low and wasn't feeling good long after reading. Truly wished Kushi lived!! thanks for stopping by Mirza :) :)
