I write very rarely and when i do write , i write to remember it for a lifetime.
To inspire a lazy person like me is quite difficult and it takes lot of liking towards the subject of interest.
This time i owe it to a book by Danielle Steel -Matters of the Heart.
Thanks to Keerthi who lent her copy and nudged me to read it .
I found myself simply lazing around on a hot saturday noon and hence started reading.
The book is so captivating that within minutes i felt exported to the chic SoHo in New York where the central character- Hope lives.

I am reading a book after quite a time and i found every page interesting.
I could imagine snow while i sat reading on a hot summer noon.
I could live every picture that was captured by Hope through her camera's lens.
In short I could relate to every emotion of the lead character .
I slept that night in the hope to finish the book the next day.
However the next morning i was pushed more towards my first love - the paint brush.
i have always dreamt of house amidst the mountains and i set out with a rough sketch . I was reminded of every single
mountain that i had seen as a child from the trains that whisked past the huge mountains at express speeds.
I wanted to recreate my dream without any hassle.
Its not easy when you dream something and hit the canvas .
It had to be fresh , naive and splendid for every stroke to recreate it.
I have never liked my art to be seen until its complete for it has always been in mirage of colours before i hit upon the right ones.
I prefer not to frighten anyone with the various hues before i get them right.
Thanks to my roomie ,she was away the whole day.So it was pure love between me, my brushes and the canvas.
Every stroke soothed my soul and i could feel the power from within to better my picture in every stroke.Its a great feeling
when you speak to the mute canvas and bring out varied imaginations of yours to life.

Midway i started reading the book again .I was intriguied to find innocent love between Hope and her ex-husband.Hope lived the life of loner and she never loved any man even after seperating from her husband. She loved him as always as she did.
When i was back to my painting , i changed the colour and randomly hit upon some colour and lo the mountains came alive as i had perceived.
And when i continued it after work the next day , i wanted to do all i can to make it appear real..The house seemed to be just out of a fairy tale. So the synchronisation took more time and i tried various possibilities before i could settle upon one.
When the mind's eye opens its like the flood gates, Millions of ideas pour out and its upto us to make a perfect choice .
Once decided its best to stick to it and pursue it with passion -This is true even for a humble painting. I had to choose from various colours until i hit upon the right one to satisfy the creative soul embedded within me.
On my roomie's suggestion i gave the house more earthly colours from the PINK that i had intially given and was improvising the house.
Life is truly colourful and very often we get stuck with one the of the colours alone.
Its when we dare to go beyond the written and tested path that we find our true selves and the colour that would suit us best.
So was Hope's story which was taking a twist too. The sombre narration turns to a passionate love when one of Hope's high end assignment turns out to be romantic affair. She is asked to shoot pictures of an author of the worlds bestsellers-Finn O Neil.
What Hope could have only dreamed as a young teenager was happening to her at forty four. A beloved wife, a doting mother and the most passionate photographer finds love for the second time
Does it work for her ? Is it mere passion and love-making or the interests of Finn O Neil are different from what appears to the normal eyes ?
A real discovery of a woman who loves life with all its colours.
I was intrigued by the title. Its only towards the end that I realize that 'in matters of the heart' one needs to take heed of the ground realities too.
The heart is a very subtle , sensitive and pure part of our body . It takes a lot of courage and strength not to hurt it and at the same time live our dreams to the fullest .
'Pursue your dreams and passion but at the same time accept the realities and bitterness it throws'-A lesson i learnt from the book.
This book makes for best reading during a summer afternoon or on a long journey in a train .
A must read if your someone who enjoys crime sprinkled with passionate love-making .
I enjoyed the pace towards the end of the book and the last few chapters are my favorite.
I completed my painting and looked at it with a satisfaction that spurs from deep within.
I m still enthralled on seeing the mountains in my painting. They seem so real.
The paiting adorns the walls in my house amongst the rest.
The book stays as one of my best read till date. The author's personal life was as interesting as the book too.
Spanning 30 years and still rocking as a writer, love you Steel.
PS: i learnt a new word after reading this book - Sociopath. :)
To inspire a lazy person like me is quite difficult and it takes lot of liking towards the subject of interest.
This time i owe it to a book by Danielle Steel -Matters of the Heart.
Thanks to Keerthi who lent her copy and nudged me to read it .
I found myself simply lazing around on a hot saturday noon and hence started reading.
The book is so captivating that within minutes i felt exported to the chic SoHo in New York where the central character- Hope lives.

I am reading a book after quite a time and i found every page interesting.
I could imagine snow while i sat reading on a hot summer noon.
I could live every picture that was captured by Hope through her camera's lens.
In short I could relate to every emotion of the lead character .
I slept that night in the hope to finish the book the next day.
However the next morning i was pushed more towards my first love - the paint brush.
i have always dreamt of house amidst the mountains and i set out with a rough sketch . I was reminded of every single
mountain that i had seen as a child from the trains that whisked past the huge mountains at express speeds.
I wanted to recreate my dream without any hassle.
Its not easy when you dream something and hit the canvas .
It had to be fresh , naive and splendid for every stroke to recreate it.
I have never liked my art to be seen until its complete for it has always been in mirage of colours before i hit upon the right ones.
I prefer not to frighten anyone with the various hues before i get them right.
Thanks to my roomie ,she was away the whole day.So it was pure love between me, my brushes and the canvas.
Every stroke soothed my soul and i could feel the power from within to better my picture in every stroke.Its a great feeling
when you speak to the mute canvas and bring out varied imaginations of yours to life.

Midway i started reading the book again .I was intriguied to find innocent love between Hope and her ex-husband.Hope lived the life of loner and she never loved any man even after seperating from her husband. She loved him as always as she did.
When i was back to my painting , i changed the colour and randomly hit upon some colour and lo the mountains came alive as i had perceived.
And when i continued it after work the next day , i wanted to do all i can to make it appear real..The house seemed to be just out of a fairy tale. So the synchronisation took more time and i tried various possibilities before i could settle upon one.
When the mind's eye opens its like the flood gates, Millions of ideas pour out and its upto us to make a perfect choice .
Once decided its best to stick to it and pursue it with passion -This is true even for a humble painting. I had to choose from various colours until i hit upon the right one to satisfy the creative soul embedded within me.
On my roomie's suggestion i gave the house more earthly colours from the PINK that i had intially given and was improvising the house.
Life is truly colourful and very often we get stuck with one the of the colours alone.
Its when we dare to go beyond the written and tested path that we find our true selves and the colour that would suit us best.
So was Hope's story which was taking a twist too. The sombre narration turns to a passionate love when one of Hope's high end assignment turns out to be romantic affair. She is asked to shoot pictures of an author of the worlds bestsellers-Finn O Neil.
What Hope could have only dreamed as a young teenager was happening to her at forty four. A beloved wife, a doting mother and the most passionate photographer finds love for the second time
Does it work for her ? Is it mere passion and love-making or the interests of Finn O Neil are different from what appears to the normal eyes ?
A real discovery of a woman who loves life with all its colours.
I was intrigued by the title. Its only towards the end that I realize that 'in matters of the heart' one needs to take heed of the ground realities too.
The heart is a very subtle , sensitive and pure part of our body . It takes a lot of courage and strength not to hurt it and at the same time live our dreams to the fullest .
'Pursue your dreams and passion but at the same time accept the realities and bitterness it throws'-A lesson i learnt from the book.

A must read if your someone who enjoys crime sprinkled with passionate love-making .
I enjoyed the pace towards the end of the book and the last few chapters are my favorite.
I completed my painting and looked at it with a satisfaction that spurs from deep within.
I m still enthralled on seeing the mountains in my painting. They seem so real.
The paiting adorns the walls in my house amongst the rest.
The book stays as one of my best read till date. The author's personal life was as interesting as the book too.
Spanning 30 years and still rocking as a writer, love you Steel.
PS: i learnt a new word after reading this book - Sociopath. :)
Interesting !! nice play of words !! know wat am nt a voracious reader..bt u got me craving for the book !! :) Way to go Mytri !!
ReplyDeleteThanks Archana :) love your comments...Do read this book .I would suggest every woman reads this book to know the realities of life