Friday, July 23, 2010

PuRiTy-a soulful search!!!

"Purity".... err yes this has been creeping in my mind for the past two days...

well "purtiy"-how did tis word come into my mind???

"Pure Mango pleasure"-Slice

"Purity guaranteed"-Some Water purifier

"Pure ghee sweets"-Every damn sweet stores

"pure ,pure,pure"

l've got hooked to this word from commercial ads....

Just because a supermodel turned actress endorses a product the product is pure??/

or because the sweet stall has been there for nearly half a century in the market??

Purity to layman would only mean "purity in the water he drinks,food he eats, and above all the air he breathes!!!"

when there is no purity,people complain,fight, and even grumble to neighbours..

Whats the point???If u seek the quality of "PURITY" start from "YOU"...for "charity begins @ home",so saying clean the dust in your house and MIND first before u fall for this word.....

Purity is cleanliness from within and outside.

Hope this article lets a thinking BUG crawl into ur mind

PS:After all the mind that wrote this article is pure/impure is not the question to be debated!!!


  1. hmmmm :) good one :)
    btw myti wat abt ur coffee mug ;)

  2. Not only cool..seems deep from soul.. :)

  3. Mytri!! Ths is very sensible and sensitive one!! And Controversial too!! Because , everywhere in everything, everyone demands purity!!
    Nowadays, ppl categorize, even love:) Funny, though. They call it "Pure Love". Dont know, if impure one really exists!!!
    But appreciate your thoughts:) You have really given apt words to trigger ourselves :)

  4. A good stuff to think abt... Specifically my room env... Thnks 4 t thought & good work :)

  5. Not only Pure.. its for each and everything we have to look after Us first and so the others.. Great thought to follow.. keep writing

  6. very very sensible and a nice message and thought

  7. HEy mytri Good One:) Purity begins from U....Nice thought!!
